2019 D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning – Eva Peisachovich

2019 D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning from the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE). The award, created in partnership with Desire2Learn (D2L), recognizes educators who are redefining the learning experience of students through innovative practices.

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In Case of Emergency: A simulated Disaster Event

A Meaningful Learning Event

In anticipation of the official opening of the subway station at York University, a multisectoral Emergency Disaster Event simulation was orchestrated by key stakeholders from Toronto Fire, EMS, Police, TTC and York University. The catastrophic event included a subway accident that occurred underground and simulations for the rescue, triage, transport and treatment of victims was initiated. Nursing students enrolled in a first year Health Assessment course at York University provided the simulated victims and clinicians. As one of these students, I had the opportunity to simulate the role of subway passenger, and later the role of the clinician.

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Nominee 2018 SIM Citizenship Award – Eva Peisachovich

The SIM Citizenship Award recognizes simulationists across Canada who have made incredible contributions in the field of healthcare simulation. It honours those who have made an outstanding impact on building the simulation community, education, creative professional activities, advocacy, research and other endeavours.

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